Saturday, August 23, 2014
5:35 PM // Relationship.
lets get to the point. Relationship is totally like game to some girls. i really wanna slap them with my laptop really hard in the face. They keep getting into relationship just for show. Once they get in to it. They get all lovey dovey, baby here baby there. 1 or 2 weeks past by, they be going on facebook posting i'm tired, i wish you all the best, why this why that, why me?! oh fucking please. i know its none of my fucking existence but please. if you're gonna diss your relationship like game every one month please go on twitter and tell the whole world, they might be giving zero fuck about it.
Girls who still be playing guys like they always say "change guys like changing underwear" haha. please, please og fucking please. at such young age, playing guys like this, and with this pretty face is really such a shame for you. aw. pity pity not. Oh by the way, girls don't run the world alright, so is the boys. so shut the fuck up. i would kill all the bitches who whine daily without fail on how love spoil their life like L O L you are kidding me right. stuck. up. straight.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
10:45 AM // broken recorder.
currently feeling : hungry as fuck, feel like puking too when i feel fucking hungry. lappy is lagging as shit lol god.
yep back to ranting and stuff whenever i can.. so.. what i'm going to rant is all mostly about some stupid stuff. well, today is about my mom.. she have been saying shit alright, i have limit. she can talk about it like, what ? 5 days straight. i'm always NOT AT HOME, and that is the fucking reason why.. she repeat herself like a broken recorder like stop it will you, i'm 20, i know i got serious shit stuff to do, i get lazy sometimes, but i know what the fuck i'm doing alright, like fuck off man. seriously, i'm more of a freedom kind of person, but this shit is getting way too serious that she had to keep on repeating like i'm gonna die soon if i don't have the money LOL god. please just stop it already.
i always have plan for what i do, i don't get myself sometimes too.. you see, i'm kinda fucked-up but, not as much as her lol, i know she meant well and stuff, and you bitches might be thinking that, "OH YOU BITCH, SHE'S JUST BEING NICE, AND STUFF" lol stop. you don't even lift okay. stop it LOL you don't know how it feels like LOL shut up and suck it up LOL. she had it like days and i'm already on my verge of going crazy, and it's like, i'm on the line now, please call 999 now LOL or 911. stupid shit. i don't need to know things i already know like, my job.
i haven't been going to work like for days LOL, 1 month to be exact and, i worked for 1 days only. i'm literally starving myself now LOL, i don't money for you, so please shut the fuck up LOL. i know you pay my school bills, i know i know, one day i will make it big or not, i will return you your money alright LOL. shit man. shit. i don't know what to do better than staying up at home and listen to shit she says LOL. please stop saying that i need to be more nice, when i am already nice like all over the moon for her lol. she changed, yes, i fucking most appreciated it like fuck. well she can never make herself stop repeating..
can't rant it on facebook, too long like i said LOL. *tadaaa* she's a nice and wonderful mom, sometimes i don't understand, really. can i like unborn myself lol so she could save more money on other shit ? no? well, fucked.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
1:20 AM // aw-dorable !
sorry if this is way too small, but this is too cute !
oh and i'm terribly sorry that i didn't update my blog. gee.. i change my layout again.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
6:00 PM // ❝Go Away❞
time after time, telling me to go away, asking me to fuck off. i feel like there's nothing i could to help you feel better. don't ask me that going away will make you feel better. if it does, whats the point when i'm here for you and i'm here to care a fuck about you, and what? i should continue to be happy? you know me well, if you're feel sad, i eventually will feel sad too, and the more you tell me to fuck off, one day i eventually will make things worst. me and boyfriend are fire sign. which make us both with pros & cons. you know what happens when fire add fire. NOT SPARK you bitches. this isn't the first time already.. its just a game, why make yourself like this and get us pissed off with each other.
❝always my fault what❞ been dealing with it since forever. got used to it. used to what you gave me and still love you.
❝don't come talk to me, ever.❞ i hope i was strong enough to do that, i break down ever single fucking time to see your words like this. i don't say stuff to hurt you (if i do, i'm terribly sorry *insert hearts*) maybe, i wasn't good enough for you, maybe i should change for better, improve myself. sometimes, i get very tired of doing it. but the only thing that keep me going is you, and i give in. giving you up will break myself down and i'll let my world sink and fade away. i'm 20 and way mature. i know what i'm doing, just that i'm slow & wee bit of blur too.
❝because i love you, i let myself go and let you in. i love you more than myself, i want you to be happy, i want you to know that no matter what happens, i'm here for you. and no matter what you do, i have your back, and no matter how tough situation can be, i'll be in this with you, cause no matter what happens, you and i are together as one.❞ // baby, i'll never let you down
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
6:21 PM // enough and disgusted.
Hello, i'm back to blogging, well having time and stuff so, why not. today i'm blogging about relationship and shits. it really annoys the fuck out of me to see people flirt (without the looks) oh you saw the "without the look" sorry-not-sorry. sorry if this offence you but i don't give a fuck to you or anything out here reading. (laugh) So first of all is, you don't have the look, well. okay. you have some one, some where on this planet that gives a fuck about you, love you obviously. but with that "look" of yours, ye, you don't even fucking think. you think some one there likes you, then you get all cocky and shit, please, its not like the whole world is about you, the things you do and say purely disgust me, you say without thinking. c'mon how old are you really, like now? still a fucking kid. no? fuck the wake up you cock sucker.
when you're truely in love, some one is apparently your
everything. when i say everything, it includes, being your brother, your father(who nags at you and stuff, caring for you) your bestfriend! if you can't get all this shit right, some thing is wrong up in your mind. you dedicate your whole-self to someone you love, not by calling other people "cute/sweet" names. and being friendly always have a limit. some of you bitches act like; "oh he likes me!! he's gonna buy me stuff!! oh, he's helping me to pay for this and this!!" erm, hello? who the fuck are you using? you cock sucker. you're fucking enough old to think about your own stuff already and over relationship, you take this as game huh ? well fuck you people like this.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
11:18 AM // FAT FUCK.
well, i'm quite a rager. i want to eat some fucking noodles, and there she is saying she bought it one, SO I CAN'T EAT. SO HERE'S FUCKING CHEERS TO YOU IN DA FUCKING FACE BITCH. pissed as hell. forget it, i'm going to orchard to get some delicious birthday cake for his mom ♥ teehee. well, hope she would like it :D kekeke. then we'll head down to tampines to celebrate :D ehehehe. well. i haven't been posting anymore, well here's something new for you all, if you're still following me or something ♥
inspiration got from tumblr like duhhhhh. so much nice things to view there. well.
Monday, June 10, 2013
4:15 PM // had enough,
long rant, long rant.
is it me or you? all i ever want was you to, able to communicate with me like friends. trust me in what i do. i know you're worry and shit. but what you're doing now, really does suffocate me. i want you to do what makes you happy, go hang out with your friend, be care-free. be lively. you're living but not doing it right. stop comparing me with the other kids, i don't smoke, i don't do drug, i don't drink. respect me, i'll respect you. you don't seem to know me well enough. my temper ain't one to mess with. i don't talk back to you now is because i don't want any trouble, anything i say, won't get into your brain, why for must i say anything when you don't even wanna change for better, for us. i'm still the old me, wanting freedom. i don't like being stuck in one place. stop threatening me. you're old enough to think that i'm no long a child. i'm growing with immature thought, but i know whats wrong and whats right.
i'm mentally-tired. go ahead and be stuck in whatever you think is right for me, i won't fight back. cause all you do, think you're right. what i do, make it all wrong it your eyes. you care for me in a wrong way. — feeling all wrong for what i do, in your eyes :).
Thursday, April 25, 2013
11:29 AM // not posting again (-u-)
Not been very busy, just looking for jobs

this is how my bedroom looks like now (^^)v

Double Down Max with a face :B

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
10:57 PM // Hello human & creatures.

i do lame stuff, i'm lazy, i like eating, i love my boyfriend :3 my name is wanjing. and attached to a boy name †
JEREMY ≡ 16/02/12.

"i'll love you as a corpse loves
the beak of the vulture."
what i like eating & do the most, teehee.
- Cheese
- Salmon
- Saba
- Lays
- Ruffles
- Fish
- Chipster
- half-boiled egg
- drawing
Labels: about me :D
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
12:19 PM // What i want
what i really want us to be like, is..
to be able to walk down many road of years together,
to take many silly, lame, cute pictures of us,
doing silly things, laughing to everything we see, we talk about,
to hold your hand and never let go,
to hug you tightly, to kiss you day and night,
kisses on forehead, on the nose, on the cheek, on the lip,
doing things together, cooking for each other like family,
hanging out together with your family,
be able to help you get over stuff you don't like,
be there for you first, always when you need me,
choosing clothes for you, buying stuff for you,
texting everyday, morning message, night message,
to tolerate your childish behaviour and attitude,
to love you with all my heart and soul,
going places to where we never been before,
be hanging out with your friends or mine,
be eating cheap ass food together,
be thinking of our future, what we wanna do and be together,
not caring about how we look when we're together,
how comfortable we are when we're together alone,
fighting over silly stuff, and getting over it quickly,
say sorry, making silly faces to make him smile,
saying i love you, every time, cause you mean it,
be videoing silly stuff together,
there's a lot more, we could do together, just you and me, just us 2.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
10:06 PM // i'm sorry, again.
i'm sorry for what i did.
i'm sorry for comparing you to another guy.
i'm sorry i expected too much from you.
i'm sorry for being the lousiest girlfriend.
i'm sorry for complaining too much.
i'm sorry for ranting too much.
i'm sorry that i attitude you.
i'm sorry for everything.
i'm sorry thst i can't do any better,
i'm sorry for being noob, dumb and stuff,
i'm sorry for the thing you want me to do, i didn't.
i'm sorry for losing your stuff, twice.

Thursday, March 14, 2013
11:38 AM // different side of me
hehe, my dearest friend :D & me being unglam of course, {7 March}

Labels: bff
2:27 AM // tired ?
malaysia with my dearest boyfriend.
what me and boyfriend bought ♥

Labels: love
Sunday, March 10, 2013
12:02 AM // i need a break

Labels: about me :D, photos
Thursday, March 7, 2013
12:19 PM // my hair look fabulous today
my hair just look so nice today.. like i can't even, and having the need to go out and show my hair off, like lmao. but i got work today, sigh, i hope my next off, my hair will look the same LOL. sigh-pie*

Labels: photos
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
2:16 PM // Suprise Post :P
Boyfriend decided to come to my house yesterday, to buy his stuff today with me and my family at Malaysia, he cabbed down and board the last bus and le me is happygirl94. Decided to post this, cause, i really had fun with him and my family throughout the whole day, with him, every day, every thing just get better and better. He some times can be a lil' mean and act like a kid(HAHA :B) but never the less, he treat me well, very very well, yet i still complain non-stop uh. I appreciate every little things he does for me with all his heart, how he care for me, carry my stuff for me, treating me delicious food, everything he does, makes me really happy ♥ together for 1 year, going through tough times together, quarreling over small stupid stuff, having the patience and the tolerance to all my nonsense, raging about almost everything i see and me being too impatience to stuff.
we still have many many more years to go through together, be it ups and down, nothing can break us a part. Iloveyou so so soooooo much, i know you do too, HAHA. lucky & thankful to have you as my boyfriend :P yey-me ! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox :B ♥
— with SweetnightmaresJeremy Bitterdreamslim AKA my Boyfriend ♥

Labels: bff, love
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
11:28 PM // our 1 year anni ring ♥
we bought our ring yesterday, 1 Year together :') iloveyou so much boyfriend haha ! my boyfriend have girly hand, his size is 15 and mine is 17, guys size okay, *facepalm HAHA.

Labels: love
Monday, February 25, 2013
1:07 AM // relationship
help, tell me what to do, save me from all those heart aches and tear, i want us to talk properly again.. like how we use to randomly chat about nothing and stuff :'(
hello, i'm still awake. we fought. he being kid make me feel like, i can't do anything to make him feel alright. i'm trying my best, i know what kind of relationship i'm in to. i don't expect him to be perfect, but at least, know what you're doing, i really hope i'm your motivation to your everything, like working and earning money for me and us.. i'm doing it now, so.. the tons of bad i can say, but i don't, iloveyou, i do i do i fucking do love you so much, i give in to all your stuff, cause iloveyou, i'm slow, i'm dumb, i'm not pretty, i'm not skinny, i'm not worthy. i'm trying, i need you to try also.. i'm still giving my all to you, cause i know you're what i really wanted, someone whom i look forward everyday.. these few days, i've been crying, it's because of you, i care, i get worry for nothing, i get jealous easily, and other girl would do..
i just guess, i'm boring enough, pushy enough for you to push around.. in the end, i'm still gonna love you with my whole heart, even if it stop beating.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
12:37 AM // so tired.
hello, hehe. i was too bored and i got a lil' too vain, HAHA.

and this is what i bought on the friday :B

what we ate today at Crystal Jade with Boyfriend and his company; Ocean Avenue ! CEO's treat. yummy !

Tuesday, February 19, 2013
7:33 PM // What i've been doing.
1st year with my boyfriend ♥

what we did today, bought Captain America & Hulk and watch Ah Boys to Men 2

Labels: love
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
1:11 PM // Happy Chinese New Year !
Hello dearies, i stop posting since 12437832498745 days, haha, gonna update it like now, when i'm totally free, and i've changed my blog layout again, to simple kind though, and also please follow me on twitter, its at the side bottom, under my "profile" HAHA. well, i'll show you picture ans some unglam picture of me.
This is what i wore on the 1st and 2nd day ^^
The book i bought, was kinda strange and interesting, so i bought it :')
The wallet i bought for my boyfriend, bc his wallet is spoilt like, even coins, dropped out everywhere, lmao.
okay, i shall stop here, too much unglam, and i didn't post any of me, SO. HAHA bye ♥
Monday, January 7, 2013
1:25 AM // please try to give in to me..
hello, i didn't really blog after i wake up on my off day.. so i decided to post something about my relationship. i don't know if anyone will read about this, cause this is very sensitive to me for some reason, and reasons are, when you read it, you're not suppose to tell my boyfriend about this post(if you don't know my boyfriend, i'm glad.. haha!) he got a very big temper.. well, i myself could't handle it, i myself is afraid of being scold by him.. ye ye call me lousy, loser, whatever name you can think of to call me. i don't really care.. i just don't like being scolded by someone i love, i don't know, it's just me, what can i do about it.. i never hit him, i never scold him, i never dare do anything to hurt him(i did it once or twice, it hurt me so much, that i learnt my lesson).
well, i don't expect much from him, or i can say, i never expect much from him. all i do was to think, think about what i really need and want, what i expect much from what i think from him.. but i can never tell him that, like i said, i'm afraid of him being angry, getting scold by him.. i don't like it, i just back away.. stay quiet and walk on my own, thinking what i did wrong, what i didn't do.. example; so there's this one day, i wasn't gonna stay over, but i did, he thought i was going home, he then suddenly turned so quiet, i asked him what happened, is he alright, he reply but in few words reply, i asked again, the same reply, so i think, did i did something wrong this time.. we walk out quietly, he didn't even tell me a thing.. we walk to the bus stop without holding hand. so i smsed him(i know it's lame, LIKE I SAID AGAIN, being afraid that i might annoying him further more) asking why he's like that.. blah blah blah and on, and you know what, he said "you didn't hold my hand" i was like wtf ? you could tell me and stop being such a bitch. opps.
well i don't know how many times have we quarrel anymore, there are really bad one, like shit just gone real kind of quarrel. you know sometimes, i hope he could do a little surprise for me, or do something nice for me.. or try giving in to me sometimes.. i hate being the first one, always the first one to say sorry(i'm not sure how many times must i say this, but me saying sorry for thousands of times doesn't make him any better, and i'm afraid of him being angry, argh) i just want something better for us, something that we could do together with money, and i don't want him to keep treating me meals.. i have my own reason. i'm now working full shift job, and had really no time for him(for this i'm really truely sorry about it) i work 3 days 1 day off.. and sometimes i hope he can make it down to find me.. on my off day. i didn't say that to him.. i did but once, i don't want him to find it annoying.. i don't know, i keep making myself go down.. its okay for me though..
sigh. i didn't expect alot from him, i want the same too.. i just want better, it is too much to ask for, i just want him to give in to me more, it is really too much too? i don't like being asked to "fuck off" this is the second time.. if there's third time or ore, i really don't know how to dwell with it, i was thinking if there's another "fuck off" from him, this will be the last time, i'm trying to make everything right; this is what i thought. every time i think, it just doesn't go the way i want it, i'm just too sore and scared of it, lets put it another way, scared of losing someone, whom i gave so much to, for this relationship and us.. i really don't know how to put it.. if you know what i'm trying to say.. then that's good..
i've been through a lot, all were e-dating, well these give you experience plus some first love and even hurt. i learnt a lot.. and there's the three years relationship i had before, dated for three years without meeting each other(please don't tell me how pathetic it is, i know, i know) i learn to give in, and how to treat one person right to in order to get the same back, if you don't get the same back all you do is tolerate, understand what your other half need and unerstand plus trust.. this is like a work to keep things going, yes, it's tiring but, its worth all the things you do, the person might not see it now, soon they'll realize..
please do know that, iloveyou more than anything, i'm willing to try to change and change for better, i'd never give up one you. this relationship is tough but there's both of us, we manage to get through this tough up and downs together. iloveyou deeply. nothing will ever change my feeling for you from the start when we first know each other until now ♥ 16-02-2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
12:35 AM // working for money $_$

Ain't sleeping yet, have to take something from my friend, who just haven't end her work yet, so.. i kind forgot what i did past few days and had no time to update my dead blog, once again.. sigh. i don't like people invading my privacy, that is a NO-NO bitches. HAHA. i went to find the Japanese small Restaurant shop again, i walked AWKWARDLY, shit. i'm not getting that work anymore, 101% sure of that, i'm going to find another job at the same place again, but nearer to the MRT station, which is just above the MRT LOL. $5/hour for part-timers $1000 for full timer and i'm gonna get the full timer.. well, working for money is fine for me.
Sometimes i don't really know what's wrong with my boyfriend, i know he hate my mom, i do, sometimes. i just want my mom to safe that's all, i'm not afraid of moving out when she's alright, i'm more afraid that some things i don't even know might happen *touch wood* she's mom, there's a place for her, sometimes, my boyfriend word could hurt me just by saying bad things to my mom /: oh well, this is what i created him out. telling him how my mom controls me and stuff.. i'm sorry mommy. ♥
I hope the job is still available, it's quite quiet there, with just 2/4 of the people are there to shop, the rest are eatery and which is tooooo good to say, but the other thing is, expensive! good gracious, everything is expensive now :(
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
10:44 PM // new spect, yey!

HELLO, not very surprising huh. got my new spect, not long ago. and it fits me well, like DA CAT "IF IT FITS, I SIT" *Evil laugh keke. I'm so so so screwed for the past fucking few days, tired and sleepy /: been waking up early and turning in like in the 3. god. i'm tired. Oh oh, i'm kinda introvert but, when it comes to work, i really have to put super much effort into it already, "communication" is our big big part in our daily life, don't tell me you don't communicate with at least one person, jeez, that's pretty awful... i guess.
HAHA. well, i don't pretty much like talking to people i don't know very well, but working.. SIGH. you have to, since you're working, and they're your oh-so-precious customer, you don't want to stare at them and be like : " SIR, WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT. FOR. YOU. DINNERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR." and like what da fak ? ya. HAHA. with big eyes, staring at them. being imaginative is good. like now, HAHA. well, heading down tomorrow to see the shop, it's quite small actually, it's like the size of the toilet, hmmm, lets just say 6 cubicle size of that shop? pretty small, heh. i can't deal with big shop.. like FUCK NO. I'M OUTTA HERE, well i probably would if i've gain much experience. LOUSY-ME.... well.. thats all for today, will update about it tomorrow on how it goes.. hehe.
Monday, December 17, 2012
10:16 PM // 10th

why hello there, it's beeeeeen such fuckery long long.. erm, no idea, since i posted. HAHA, so here i am now, to start off with my Monthsary picture with my boyfriend. We've been fighting alot, he sometimes gave me this "boring" look i have done wrong something then here i am emo-ing off my ass. I even asked him why he's like this, he say NEVER MIND. oh fuck you alright haha. His reason to being "boring" its because i didn't held his hand and so on, okay. cute? LOL no. HAHA, i thought i did something wrong. BUT NAH. BUT, what fuckery is this? He can be so so so sweet, but his temper, you don't wanna mess around with, i have to be the "men" in the relationship :P so he have to be the girl having temper. Argh, i hope he's lucky to have me ♥ HAHAHA.
and i'm back with a new and simple skin. *big sigh. okay, i hope i'll be updating more, hehe. i've been sleeping over at my boyfriend house, he have to work, so i've to go down, *slam table. oh, i went to sign up for
Cyworld. but i stop using it cause it's fucking boring ? here's my "Dairy".
Wednesday, December 05, 2012 6:51:00 PM - [Gloomy]
Ah, this is my first entry..
well, today isn't much a day for me, i've been sleeping and sleeping cause of being tired and due to yesterday night, i stayed up to play Leagues of Legend (LoL in short) with boyfriend x) woke up and took a bathe, change into some nice clothing, hehe. eaten not much, i ate Chicken rice and cereal, now i'm taking my time to eat what my mom had cook, noodles *bluek* not nice x( and y boyfriend is out to work, night shift.. /:
it's only Wednesday, how slow can it be.. and mom came home nagging, how shitty is that x.x i'm still quite new to the Cyworld, but i loved it, like a whole lot xD
i hope my entry is good enough.. i wished to get new skin for my profile and get a miniRoom :( so badly..
Thursday, December 06, 2012 9:10:00 PM - [Rainy]
Oh yes, i'm watching Family Guy on Season 2 ep 5. HAH, i have to skip some of it cause of the adobe flash player isn't working, oh how fucking fabulous it that not.
and i've seen no improvement on my Cyworld, how, sad. i mean like very sad.......
moving on.. my birthday is coming soon, and i've private my birthday, so no one could see it, well i'm keeping it low to see who remember it, well of course my dear friend and my boyfriend would remember it, don't they *cuddly smushly* HAHA.
my boyfriend is on opp with his classmate, hoho. i'll be at his house early morning to take photos together for y birthday :3 how cute. erm. *shy shy* HAHA.
will update tomorrow, i guess.
That's it. been boring, like very. I need to get myself a Job soon, argh!
Labels: love
Monday, August 13, 2012
6:38 PM // I'm back, i guess. hah.
Hello, it's been so longggggggggg that i blog. damn. haha. well school and life is kinda boring now. Second year for sure, it fucking shit tough and i'm lazy, even lazy now. HAHA. so yep. i don't even know where to start blogging, my boyfriend, my school, or my blog, haha. well, i think i will blog more often and i'm kinda busy, not really. very free to say, but i'm fucking lazy as ever to update my blog. hah. well, tomorrow is gonna be a long long day for me at school doing tons of "nothing-shit" ye. andddd, i can't wait for thursday to come !
it's me and boyfriend Six-Monthsary. hip-hip-hooray for us, haha, but we'll be postponing to friday, cause on thursday i end school at four. oh yes, fuck school life :D hah. i really have no idea what to post anymore. gosh.
oh, and i create myself into a zombie. ahahha.

Saturday, February 4, 2012
2:04 PM // Fuck Bitches.
too weak enough to not fight back. fml.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
1:50 AM // Lana Del Rey - Without You